Coldplay – Lost – Growing Up
‘With age comes the inner, the higher life,’ (Elizabeth Cady Stanton). As you get older life is definitely going to become more challenging. Gaining the higher life, you get ready for these challenges, well at least I am. The song Lost sang by Coldplay reflects on my teen years. This song shows what happens while you become older. I’ve always been behind in my growing, yet I will catch up. While missing the times, when you were small and innocent. I am just waiting till the maturity catches on. The song Lost teaches me, life will get really challenging, yet I will succeed through the challenges. Coldplay is getting you ready for adulthood. Through my life it becomes similar to how I am going through adolescents. Given a challenge, suffered yet got back on my feat and succeeded. Life is never simple. It’s easy to assume that it will never get tough; we think what we want to believe. Even though life has gotten tough, I’m not one to quit. Perseverance is one of my key qualities, and I have a habit for enduring tough situations and making the best of them. Just because I’m hurting, doesn’t mean I’m hurt. My teen years are going to get tough, but I will continue and be rewarded. Just because I’m losing, doesn’t mean I’m lost.